Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My endorsement of Holli Wallace for Freeland School Board

Okay, perhaps it goes without saying that I should endorse my wife who is running for the Freeland Community School District School Board.  I'm also not sure what weight my endorsement carries, although I will note that I am a sociology professor who has done at least some research into K-12 to higher education transitions of students in mid-Michigan.  Nonetheless, spousal bias aside, I thought it was worth voicing why I think she is a excellent candidate for the position.  I've come up with three characteristics that should make her your choice (or really one of your three choices) for the position:
  1. Integrity.  It is a running joke in our house.  Holli is a rule follower and she expects those around her to be rule followers also.  This is not just a personal ideology.  As an attorney she has the professional background and knowledge to understand both the legal and ethical implications of crossing certain lines.  Integrity is important for the school district and community to have a productive relationship.
  2. Reflexive.  That's my way of saying that she thinks about stuff.  Nurturing the children in a community such as Freeland is a weighty responsibility to take on.  The decisions made on their behalf need to be evidence-based and involve consideration for their long-term and secondary impacts.  School of choice, test scores, and other issues are important factors to consider.  However, they should not be decided as individual issues, but rather considered in the context of economic, social, and political changes in Freeland and throughout Michigan.  Holli does not rush to conclusions, but rather listens to all voices in the community and weighs them against the best interests of Freeland's children.
  3. Child-focused.  Holli is an excellent mother.  Importantly, she understands that being an excellent mother is about more than caring for her two children.  It is also about creating a learning environment for their peers, a working environment for their teachers, and a space for the community which will enhance their personal growth in a changing world.  I think this is fundamentally what drives her to run for School Board--she knows that our success as a community is very much linked together.  I am confident that she will work to collaborate with all necessary parties to ensure that Freeland's children are well prepared for success in the future.
I would encourage other people to post either here or on Holli's Facebook page ( why they think she is an excellent candidate.  The fact is that the School Board has an awesome responsibility to help Freeland's children grow into happy, productive, and success adults.  Holli is more than up for the task and I hope that you will not only vote for her, but also do what you can over the next three weeks to let others know about what a great candidate she is.

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